TMA-1 Telemetry-Monitor-Adapt

Artikel-Nr.: PTMA1-RIP

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in 1-3 Werktagen innerhalb Deutschland lieferbar


Inkl. MwSt. und zzgl. Versand

TMA-1 Telemetry-Monitor-Adapt

This new telemetry monitor adapter is a superb addition to the Futaba telemetry system, and allows any Android enabled phone or tablet to be used to display telemetry data from the model. Supplied complete with mounting clip and USB adapter, the TMA-1 operates with both T-FHSS and FASSTest transmission systems, the real-time data being available on the phone/tablet for a co-pilot or assistant to see. As with many Futaba products the TMA-1 can be updated as improved software becomes available.

• Spring clip for easy mounting
• USB connector for easy use

Temp.- Sensor SBS-01T 200°C
RPM-Sensor Optic SBS-01RO
RPM-Sensor Magnetic SBS-01RM
Vario + Höhen - Sensor SBS-01A
GPS – Vario + Höhen-Sensor SBS-01G
Spannungs - Sensor SBS-01V
Temp. - Sensor SBS-01TE 125°C


Weitere Produktinformationen

Bestellnummer PTMA1

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